Key Steps in Illustration: Tutor’s Feedback – Part 4

I’ve received my tutor’s feedback on part 4. As with the previous feedbacks, I am overall happy and got some good ideas to consider for the next projects. 

One of the overall points is to go deeper in the research, e.g. when working for a specific audience. I am aware that this is quite essential when working on a particular brief, but given the fact I’m doing this course besides working full-time, I sometimes struggle to do endless research. My research might sometimes be too superficial, and I guess this is certainly an area for improvement. 

For the tools and materials exercise one suggestion is to take a more detailed look into the way the other artists use their materials, how it helps their composition, and why they might chose this particular media. 

For the poster exercise, one suggestion is to step back and reflect how I have met the brief. I guess this is something to consider when wrapping up the project descriptions in my learning blog. 

Another suggestion is to use the visual distortion more often, to see how simple it can be to create an image. I guess it would also help to find a different way of approaching a topic. 

For the character design, I should add more 360° studies, and take time to develop a character. 

For assignment number 4, one suggestion is to consider combining my hand-made and digital final illustration, to create a more interesting texture. 

Overall I should make myself aware of my weaknesses, and find a way to tackle these. Also include a few other smaller-scale sketchbooks, for instance, one per material (ink, linocut, drawing), to develop my areas of interest more. 

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