Key Steps in Illustration: Client Visuals

This exercise asked to create line drawings as client visuals based on two illustrations I collected throughtout the course at a larget scale than the original piece.

I regularly take out illustrations book from the library, and the following three examples are from my inspiration pile.

The first is from an illustrator called Robert Samuel Hanson. The piece is “Korean Tacos”, see here. I created several versions always taking out more details until I felt it was plain enough, yet still communicated the idea of the final piece. To me, the last verison is a bit too empty to get the idea across.

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Client Visuals

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The second client visuals I created are based on a piece by Bjorn Rune Lie. Unfortunately I cannot find a digital version of the piece, but you can imagine a classroom full of students. I did two pieces, the first has a bit more content than the second one. I feel that it is necessary to include a few more details to convey the idea of the scene. Perhaps because it is a busy scene overall, but I find that cutting out too many details helps in terms of imagining the composition, but not so much in the setting.

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The third illustration I did is based on Shaina Anderson’s piece “Garden”, which I also found in one of the contemporary illustration books. Shaina has a particular style, which to me is like out of a fairy-tale world. I think if you know her style, and see a client visual like this line drawing, you will be able to image what the final piece looks like, especially when you’d combine it e.g. with a colour moodboard.

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Key Learnings: 

  • Working backwards was an interesting experience. Looking at a finished piece by someone else and analysing the main elements of the piece was quite interesting. I found it easier to narrow the most important elements down when the illustration is not overloaded with that much content. That also makes it easier to create the client visuals to get the idea across.
  • I think when you have to convey an idea with just lines, but the idea includes to many notions/emotions/content elements, it will become more difficult.
  • In contrast, if you have a particular style, and have an straight-forward client visual, it can be quite good for people to imagine what the artwork might turn out.
  • In my view this exercise helps to train on how to get ideas accross and how to visualize ideas with a few lines only. You won’t have time to create a proper artwork when discussing first ideas with clients. However, it is important to show them the first ideas – possible various options – for them to choose their favourite options, which can then developed further



Google Search. “Robert Samuel Hanson”. [Accessed on Feb 24, 2018]. URL 

Society 6. “garden by Shaina AndeSamrson”.  [Accessed on Feb 24, 2018]. URL

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