Inspiration: Olaf Hajek

Let’s look at the artist Olaf Hajek today. After reviewing my first assignment, my tutor suggested a while ago to look at this particular artists, and since I already reviewed Martin Haake, it only makes sense to also look at Olaf Hajek and what I like about his work.

This short video gives a brief intro to his work, which is inspired by his travels to Africa and Latin America. I enjoy his style. To me his work is fresh, he uses lots of colours. The images have something mysterious and playful about them that draws my eyes to them.

I love the Black Antoinette series and his illustration of women who have “flower hair”, like the following examples here, here, here, and here.

He paints with acrylics on wood or hardboard paper, rather than working digitally. I think that is one of the reasons why I enjoy his work! I often prefer “handmade” illustrations more than purely digital ones. Olaf Hayek explains his style, and what inspires him, e.g. nature, flowers, what he consideres to be an illustrator and artist, in this video interview.

I think his view on the difference of creating your own art versus commercial illustrations is quite interesting. I guess as an artist you have to find a line between working for clients to earn money, as well as to express yourself through personal pieces.



Euromaxx. “The German Illustrator Olaf Hajek.” [Accessed on Feb 22, 2018]. URL

Google picture search. “URL, URL, URL, URL.

YouTube. “Olaf Hajek / Interview”. [Accessed on Feb 22, 2018]. URL

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